
Get familiar with the basic setup and overview of miniml.

First of all you need to install miniml.

git clone

Edit the _config.yml Check out how the templates are working. Create content in new markdown or html files. Copy _layouts/page.html to make a new page template.

The included documentation will give you the proper instructions for each component. Documentation

And familiarize yourself with UIkit as a separate project. There are good examples of commponents inside the official documentation.

Check out UIkit

Important Components to Understand

Some components are undoubtedly used much more than others in a typical web project. Here are a few that we recommend getting your head around first. Proper formatting of the structure and attributes are important when learning how to use miniml.

Amazing functionality hiding away deep within the possibilities of these Components:

Package contents

The package contains the compiled CSS and JavaScript files, which is everything you need to get up and running fast. However everything is customizable.