- Accordion
- Alert
- Animation
- Align
- Badge
- Base
- Breadcrumb
- Button
- Card
- Close
- Comment
- Description List
- Divider
- Dotnav
- Drop
- Dropdown
- Filter
- Form
- Height
- Icon
- Iconnav
- Image
- Inverse
- Label
- Leader
- Lightbox
- Link
- List
- Margin
- Marker
- Modal
- Nav
- Navbar
- Notification
- Off-canvas
- Overlay
- Padding
- Pagination
- Parallax
- Placeholder
- Position
- Print
- Progress
- Scroll
- Scrollspy
- Search
- Section
- Slidenav
- Slider
- Slideshow
- Sortable
- Spinner
- Sticky
- Subnav
- Switcher
- Tab
- Table
- Thumbnav
- Tile
- Toggle
- Tooltip
- Totop
- Transition
- Upload
- Utility
- Video
- Visibility
Create layout boxes with different backgrounds that can be arranged seamlessly next to each other.
To apply this component, add the .uk-tile
class to a <div>
element. By default, a tile is blank. That is why it is important to add one of the following modifier classes for styling.
Class | Description |
.uk-tile-default |
Applies the default tile background. |
.uk-tile-muted |
Applies a muted tile background. |
.uk-tile-primary |
Applies the primary tile background. |
.uk-tile-secondary |
Applies a secondary tile background. |
<div class="uk-tile uk-tile-default"></div>
<div class="uk-child-width-1-2@s uk-grid-collapse uk-text-center" uk-grid>
<div class="uk-tile uk-tile-default">
<p class="uk-h4">Default</p>
<div class="uk-tile uk-tile-muted">
<p class="uk-h4">Muted</p>
<div class="uk-tile uk-tile-primary">
<p class="uk-h4">Primary</p>
<div class="uk-tile uk-tile-secondary">
<p class="uk-h4">Secondary</p>
Tile and padding
The tile component has some padding by default. To remove this or to apply different spacing, add one of the classes from the Padding component.
<div class="uk-tile uk-tile-default uk-padding-large"></div>
<div class="uk-child-width-1-3@s uk-grid-small uk-text-center" uk-grid>
<div class="uk-tile uk-tile-muted uk-padding-remove">
<p class="uk-h4">Remove</p>
<div class="uk-tile uk-tile-primary uk-padding-small">
<p class="uk-h4">Small</p>
<div class="uk-tile uk-tile-secondary uk-padding-large">
<p class="uk-h4">Large</p>